Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
The Vatican Listens to Tupac

The playlist, which the Vatican's page calls "a perfect mix of classical, world and contemporary music," features predictably devotional and classical choices, along with several "hip" selections. Along with Tupac's 'Changes,' which appeared on his 1998 'Greatest Hits' album, songs by Fleet Foxes, Muse and soul legend Shirley Bassey also make the cut.
"The genres are very different from each other, but all these artists share the aim to reach the heart of good-minded people," The Vatican stated on its page. "Changes" is listed on the page with an "explicit" warning, due to its violent language and imagery, including lines like, "Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares, one less hungry mouth on the welfare."
The list was put together by Father Giulio Neroni, artistic director for St. Paul's Multimedia, a church publisher. Check out the full list after the jump. Never thought we'd see the Vatican endorse a gangster rapper, C. Delores Tucker would be scandalized.
1. 'Advocata Nostra,' Music From The Vatican. From the album 'Alma Mater' featuring the voice of Pope Benedict XVI.
2. 'Uprising,' Muse. Single from the album, 'The Resistance.'
3. 'Causa Nostrae Laetitiae,' Music From The Vatican. From the album 'Alma Mater.'
4. 'Il Mare Mi Salva,' Rossomalpelo. Song from the band led by contemporary Italian singer songwriter Serge Gaggiotti
5. 'After The Rain,' Dame Shirley Bassey. From the album 'The Performance.'
6. 'Coexist,' Nour Eddine. Song from Moroccan Musician, based in Italy.
7. 'Don Giovanni,' Mozart.
8. 'Rafaele Merry Del Val,' Lorenzo Perosi Inni Mottetti e Canzoni, Pablo Colino & Coro Academica Filarmonica Romana.
9. 'He Doesn't Know Why,' Fleet Foxes.
10. 'Changes,' Tupac Shakur.
11. 'Regina Coeli,' Music From The Vatican. From the album 'Alma Mater.'
12. 'Mi sarete Testimoni,' Santo Subito! (DVD). Music DVD embodying the voice and image of The Pope.
-All is Love
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Escape to Forever
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Did you see the fight? . . .
-All is Love
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Back!
Since the release of ''Table of Content.'' There hasn't been too much blog content. Posts have been lacking, and I have been failing to let you completely into what's been going on in my life.
I wish to inform you however that I am ready to bring out some crazy things again. The 2nd issue of The Freedom Theory will be up on the Lethal Inspiration website, and the third mixtape will drop January 1st entitled ''Weapon X'' it will really start to let you in to this time of dicernment and Clarity I have been going through. I have really been taking time to reflect and bury the old self, and resurrect with the new.
I'm also really going in on the album, A Musician's Tale and putting final touches to that.
The main thing I want to say though is watch our for ''The Succeedors'' which will be a HUGE platform company to build from.
Can't give too much too quick. Stay tuned . . .
-All is Love
Brick in the Wall
-All is Love
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Hole in the Place of Heart from DavidMyriam on Vimeo.
-All is love
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy B-Day Boy!!!!
-All is Love
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dont order from this china man!
Today I didn't cook though I usually serve as Mr. Mom here in the house. Been busy getting a lot of photoshoots done, designing and just overall working on art. - Particularly alot of music production. Anyway, today I didnt cook so me and wifey decided to order some chinese food... BAD CHOICE! Is all i can say.
First I called the place and there was a of noise in the restuarant and I was repeatedly asked to repeat myself. I didnt want to scream because my son was sleeping. So the guy hangs up on me! Wifey calls back. After about 15 mins. She finally places the order. Then they take forever to deliver! Delivery guy shows up with no change so we were forced to give a larger tip, and when we open everything up ... I DIDNT GET MY GARLIC CHICKEN! We called and complained then got refunded.
All i have to say is don't order from Empire Wok on Castle Hill Ave. here in the bx
-All is Love
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
FWD:Please Send
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
. . . think about it.
-All is Love
Monday, September 28, 2009
Bronx Zoo with fam.
At the zoo with the family today. Peep me and lil' homie at the monkey exhibit. Lol
-All is Love
Sunday, September 27, 2009
No holding back!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Generation of the Free = Success!
The Generation of the Free Promo from Feel-X on Vimeo.
-All is Love
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Just think
Lloyd Jones
-All is Love
THROWBACK!!!!!!! lmao
wow, this is old. You guys might remember a version of it on The Preface, but so you know this poem is way older than when that project was released.
-All is Love

. . . Basically, I'm saying - "I AM CRAZY! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE? . . . I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!"
-All is Love
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Robot Dance
-All is Love
To my brother . . .
-All is Love
Some quizzes on Facebook.

If you would like to add me on facebook, check me out HERE!
-All is Love
Thursday, September 17, 2009
They Dont Really Care about us.
Being that this man was such an inspiration to me, before he died I had 2 MJ remakes of my own. One I threw on The Preface which was "Billie Jean 2009" and was released months before his death. This one . . . "They Don't Care about us 2009" is now out on "Table of Content."

02-They Dont Care About Us(2009) - Feel-X
Unfortunately the man is no longer with us. I had dreams of performing with the man one day. But maybe not until the afterlife will this be possible to be achieved.
Download Table of Content for free here:
-All is Love
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Success! Go and Achieve it!
Saturday sept. 26th
Location:"Dance New Amsterdam" 280 Broadway(off of Chambers St.) on 2nd Floor
Time:Sign up at 1:30. If you are there later than 2:00, you do not get to audition!
So you know, The Generation X Dancers are a subsidiary under "The Dominant Underground Brand" along with Lethal Inspiration, and Tha' Works Records.
Head Correographer
"LP" is an accredited dancer who has worked with various other dance groups and teams all over NYC, as well as in Atlanta, and Alabama. He has won various competitions at world renowned venues such as the Apollo Theater. His most current accomplishment is dancing with America's Best Dance Crew's very own Rythm City Dance Crewas well as dancing with Ciara
If you think you are ready to become of what will be the next big dance crew to come out of NYC, you know where you need to be on the 26th.
-All is Love
Give of yourself . . .
Monday, September 14, 2009
The boy got rythmn
My son plays his drums . . . Aka a pot and some big spoons. Lol.
-All is Love
Checking in.
long. I am ready to lead the resilience.
Download Table of Content.
-All is Love
Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Greatness comes not when things always go good for you, but the greatness comes when you are really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes. Because only if you have been in the deepest valleys can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain."
Richard Milhous Nixon
-All is Love
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Fun filled day with the fam.
-All is Love
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Table of Content. coming soon.

In addition to the artwork, and the comic book being released this saturday, you will also get to be the first to preview Feel-X's new mixtape dropping September 11th, 2009 entitled "Table of Content."
I'm telling you. There's way more fire coming this time around. More controvercial, and much stronger societal statements.
"Generation of the Free" . . . You have to be there.
Not sure why I'm speaking in third person, but hey . . . I'm telling you. Fire!!! lol.
-All is Love
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Freedom has been achieved!!!
-All is Love
Friday, August 21, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!
Imagination is more important than knowledge!"
Albert Einstein
-All is Love
Home sweet home
However, the other night . . . Well last Thursday I had my photoshoot for the new mixtape coming soon entittled ''Table of Content.'' Which is the 2nd part in my 3 part series to ''A Musician's Tale''. It was a cool shoot that I'm glad captured the really primal look of Feel-X due to the controversy this new mixtape is bound to stur up.
After the shoot, I'm glad to say I went home . . . To my home. Which if I havent said yet IS THE GREATEST FEELING IN THE WORLD GOING HOME TO YOUR OWN PLACE! There i found my son and my wifey fast asleep.
It was great to come home and sleep next to this beautiful, loving and supportive woman. She would probably be mad about me posting this sleepy pic of her, but this is the woman I love, and I need to present that to the world.
-All is Love
Saturday, August 8, 2009
-All is Love
Boy at hurricane harbor
Sometimes you just need the care free fun time with family.
-All is Love
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Stay on the path
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Solar One
It was pretty cool. Solar One is a place where they help out the environment of New York city. Located right off 23rd street up on the East River, their building runs solely off of Solar Power.
It was an interesting trip, we got to build our own miniature Solar Powered Cars!!! Then took them outside and saw them take off in the sunlight.
My question is why dont they install solar panels into everything here in the city. Every building establishment . . . JUST EVERYTHING!!!! If Solar energy works just as well as I saw it work yesterday. . . WTF are we waiting for to make a change in our environment?!!!
Its amazing how the human race works.
-All is Love
Generation of the Free!!!!
Lookout. Official flyer coming in a few days. Table of Content. Feel-X. Lethal Inspiration. The Freedom Theory. Watch out!!!
-All is Love
Friday, July 31, 2009

Excerpt from "The Hyasa Prophecy”
I know the founder Dyron Holmes and I'm looking into this thing he's starting. Seems to have a lot of depth in it.
-All is Love
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Artwork on my hat
Just makes you think and takes you back to a diffrent place. I think back about a year ago and my mindset and so many things were so different. Some of those changes I have noticed today have been for the better, and some for the worst. Hopefully after today's reflection I can work on that which has become worse.
-All is Love
MJ always merked the stage!
I don't care if you're a hardcore gangster rapper! You have something to learn from this guy if you really want to be a musical artist.
-All is Love
The Battlefield
Translated by Eknath Easewaran
-All is Love
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Son's First Yankee Game!!!
-All is Love