Sunday, November 30, 2008

The 4 types of people

In life, I have discovered that there are 4 different kinds of human beings when related to building upon your network and the people you want to be around. These people are can all be identified by three letter acronyms starting with the letter "V"

Now what are the V's? . . .

- VIP's are the people you want to dedicate your special time and attention to and want to be around the most because they are the Go - Getters

- VTP's are those who are "Very Teachable Peaople". These are the people who will learn every piece of information you feed to them. These people you also want to be around, but not as much as VIP's due to the fact that VTP's may not neccesarily apply the knowledge they have acquired. However, thier knowledge can be used to your benefit if you consul with them before your actions.

- VNP's are "Very Nice People" and are people who you want to be around because they are fun and relieve you from your daily stress. However, though these people may be extremely nice and cool to be around, they might not neccesarily be useful in building your business and your future.

-Lastly, VDP's are "Very Draining People" who are people who you may not be able to avoid, but you would definitely like to. These people due serve a form of relevance in your life however by this . . . By dealing with these people you grow as a human being in the areas of patience, persisitance, and overall tolerance and humility.

Now although ALL people may at one time or another be all 4 types of the above, everyone has a "specialty" and your job is to identify it upon your first meeting and put it into use for yourself.

-All is Love

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

10 years of Kids Creative

So as some of you know, along with my various entreprenuerial and artistic adventures I teach in various after-school programs with Kids Creative. This year is the 10th year that programs have been run in various places across the city. I teach Urban Music, and Urban Art but also during the summer I have assisted in Drama with their 'Create a Play" summer camp. Here is a video from some children who used to be involved with the program and have now gone on to do so much more. . . Also, I have's a picture from the event held to celebrate the 10 year accomplishment. I wonder who the guy with the yellow flanel and blue Lethal Inspiration Torch tee is? - lolThis program does great things for the inner-city youth, and I think you should check these guys out at
I am in support of all of its teaching theories and Peace building extra-curricular education.

-All is Love

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

PACE University Fashion Show

So you know I support any and everything that is positive on the come up. I'm really big on the underground struggle. And although this wasn't exactly an uderground event, I met a few people who are definitely on the come up.
The guy in the Torch tee has a previous portfolio of modeling for Unico just for starters. His name is Jose and is from Long Island. He's an international business major and I think is headed towards making something crazy Huge happening in the future. We have been in contact quite frequently since the event, and I think together we can make something happen.
This girl in the Blue LINY crew neck is dumb cool! Cherie has modeled for Animal House and is also an up and coming designer. She should be working on getting me to perform at PACE, but I'm not going to completely hold her to that - lol. It would be defintely appreciated though, epecially with the anticipation of this new album dropping for myself.Here goes the famous Tj again along with Cherie and another one of the models(Sorry I forgot the name).

Overall this was a cool experience. A little bit outside of our direct crowd, but definitely worth it and pretty fun. Especially bugging out backstage and joking around as well as networking with people.Here is one last picture from backstage. I will definitely look foward to working with any of these people in the near future.

-All is Love

Networking party - Lethal Inspiration

So last week we got invited to a big networking party hosted by Concept Magazine at Uno's Chicago Grill in Parkchester. It was a pretty good event. We met a lot of people, and got to show off the line. We also got a bunch of advice from Business owners who are a lot older and just spoke from their experience. It definitely was a great experience. Here are a few more pictures from the event.So we went to the event, myself, Squeaksz, and you guys should know who TJ(Tejon) is by now. He is a poet/songwriter that I work very close with and he also works with our Lethal Inspiration Public Relations/ Advertising department.

Well, at the end of the night everyone got these goodie bags with promotional items from each of the companies that participated in the event. We had a Lethal Brochure in the bag and passed out a million business cards. But one thing I think pretty useless at my age in the bag was a sexual enhancement drug named "Sextacy". I say it and was like "WTF?!!" but hey I guess every item wasn't intended for everyone.To read more about Concept Magazine and to find out about any other events that they may be hosting go to -

-All is Love

American's and American'ts

So here's some more from this Og Mandino guy. I think you should really read and follow this guy. Definitely an inspiration to all that I do. . .
"America is the land of free and the home of the brave. Since its founding over 250 years ago, America has been the land of opportunity for anyone willing and able to take advantage of its unique freedoms and business opportunities. American has generated more millionaires than any other country in the world. America is the world’s richest economy in part because of its people who go forward with a “can do” attitude.

Millions of people just like you from all walks of life and from all kinds of backgrounds have decided to make a change, to make a difference and to start controlling their own destiny. These are people who have decided that they are Americans and not American’ts. They have decided their careers, whatever they are, are laden with opportunity and filled with promise. They are unleashing their hidden lion and they are finding abundance.

When you purchased any of Og Mandino’s books, you proved yourself to be an American because you took the first step to breaking out of an old rut and breaking into a new world of opportunity and financial abundance. Now that you have these materials teaching you how to live differently to achieve greatness, you will find others who will scoff at your attempts to better your life.

That’s right, America, that great land of liberty and home to the brave, is more and more populated by people who seem to be American’ts too afraid of failure or too scared of the future to expand their capacity and develop their potential here in the present. Don’t let these naysayers scam you out of your financial freedom by listening to or giving into their negativity. You are an American, with infinite potential to lift yourself and bless others. Imagine if Walt Disney had listened to those people who told him he couldn’t draw? Or how empty would the world be if Barbara Streisand had listened to those who felt she couldn’t sing?

You are the master of your destiny and the captain of your fate. You helm your own ship called the USS Me, Inc., through the uncertain waters of your life and you must decide how far your ship will sail and what ports it will enter. You and only you are the person to determine whether or nor your “ship comes in” with all the stuff of which your financial dreams are made. Don’t listen to people who are too often becoming American’ts. You have found clear principles of abundance. Live them. Follow the path and take control of your own prosperity.

To help you as you begin to take the helm of your ship of opportunity, the Og Group offers a personalized assessment of what your thought processes are. This assessment uses the scientifically validated mathematics of axiology to pinpoint exactly what thought processes act as glass ceilings to your success and which ones you can depend on more confidently. Please call right now and get the help you need to steer your ship towards abundance and opportunity as you learn about you, nature’s greatest miracle.

The single biggest ripoff of mind numbing and mind dumbing American’ts is to cause you to stop reaching towards your world of abundance and seizing control of your financial future. Don’t be scammed from a profitable future by the naysayers, by those who tell you it can’t be done, by those who seem to find joy in your demise. Become a full-blooded American, unleash your hidden lion, unveil your unique talents and take control of your own prosperity by actively working today to break through the barriers to success within your mind. Have more confidence in your value and begin to see and act on the opportunities in your life laden with abundance."

Kind of long I know . . . But worth it.

-All is Love

Laughter . . .

"No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to use whenever I choose. Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter." - Og Mandino

You guys should read up on this guy. I'm adding the website link to the side of the blog . . . Check it out!

-All is Love

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lethal Skate

So you know . . . everytime I don't post in a while, it means there is something HUGE going on behind the scenes. Check it out . . .

-All is Love

Friday, November 14, 2008

Some more of my production work

So here are a few more beats I have made for other people and myself for some up and coming projects. The first one is off of Azealia's "Youthful Offender". You can check her out at

The next is off of LVG's "Hip Hop Charisma vol. 1" You can check him out at
And the last is off of my own project that you have been hearing about called "A Musician's Tale" HUndred thousand - Feel-x/azealiaOn another planet - The Apocalypse team instrumental - Feel-X feat X-Ray and BlazeO yea, you guys better not try and Jack my beats. . . I will know. If you like something then just shoot over and e-mail and maybe we can work something out for you. Alright?

-All is Love

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Leaders . . .

Have credibility

Have work ethic

Have people skills

Give away smiles all the time

Are coachable

Have an above average desire to win.

So ask yourself do you have this? Are you a leader?

-All is Love

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fall season . . .

So after uploading our little story to tell about the season, I found this little animated version about the book Farenheit 451 and I thought it was pretty interesting. Maybe you might too. But don't forget to watch our version, which is much shorter and to the point.

-All is Love


As you know already, The Lethal Inspiration Fall collection is entitled 451. But do you know why? Here was the old movie version preview of the book we based the season off of.
However, if you know me by now then you should know that I am about self-empowerment . . . So we here at Lethal Inspiration want to give you our own little preview. And with a soundtrack backed and supported by Lupe Fiasco's "Streets on Fire" you should be able to get the drift . . . This should lead you into the season a little better . . .

-All is Love

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Here's a beat I made today

I'll leave it to you guys with a Creative Common's Licence on it. Already a few artists I work with said they want it, but send me an e-mail. Maybe we can work something out for you. . .
Drama - Feel-X
I like to call it Drama . . . It's killing me softly - lol

-All is Love

My day

So, my day began as usual just chilling with my son and feeding him, taking care of anything he needed pretty much. Sorry if some people have weak stomaches, but he actually took an enourmous crap today! I mean it was crazy, coming out of the diaper and all of that. It was kind of funny - lol. But yea, I usually take care of him from early in the morning until his mother comes home from school and I have to go teach class. Inbetween while he's sleeping I work on beats, designs, video editing, drawings, write, etc.

But today I had to go to a quick workshop on video editing at MNN(Manhattan Neighborhood network) and I learned a little more. I think the dope part of the session was when I learned a little more about animation. I will definitely be using it soon. If you didn't know already I have been putting together a few episodes to be aired ont thier station about the youth program I have been working for named Kids Creative.
If you want, you can check out and look at some of the videos. This is some of the things I learned about today. Kind of dope to me.

-All is Love

War . . .

War is something that nobody wants to have to face. Conflict however is an event in our lives that is unavoidable. It is like a raging bull aimed towards red. . . A lion taken from the wild and placed into the city to terrorize its people. War is conflict without conversation. If all ideas are good, and a human is a human no matter what thier background might be, then why would we ever go to war. However, we are human and our imperfection works to combat intellegence. War occurs when we are idiots! War may be necessary only when a greater good is at stake for all, and the other party does not seek for compromise when you do. War is a stressor on society, and at any time of war it is impossible to prosper. However . . .

Champions aren't made in good times, but in bad . . . How are you going to combat your conflicts and defeat any personal war you may be dealing with?

-All is Love

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Pain of Change - Or the Pain of regret

People change when it hurts enough. The question is, how much more pain are you willing to take?

But it hurts to change doesn't it? However you need to ask yourself this question . . . Which is worse? The pain of change, or the pain of regret. Because the change is going to come whether you want it or not. What kind of change do you want?

-All is Love

The Freedom Theory

So, I have been telling a few people about the comic book I have been working on entitled "The Freedom Theory". And just to show you that I'm not lying to make myself look good, here's a sneak preview of the hand drawn version of issue one's cover page. So you know the story is based around a society controlled by the media. By listening to "idiot-pods", watching "idiot-boxes", playing with "idiot-s-p's", and communicating through "idiot-kicks" we have been watered down to beings who are dazed. However, two children stumble upon a force that can change it all which is known as Boo (or The Spirit of Inquiry). This begins a process of questioning and self-empowerment that re-writes history in truth rather than what has been falsely presented for so long.

So that's the basis of my new comic expected to drop within the next few months . . . So be on the lookout for it!

-All is Love

Sunday, November 9, 2008


The thing I love about all of Dane Cook's stand up is that it is all true. The thing that makes him so funny is that he is so relatable. He connects and picks out daily habitual things what we never even notice within relationships, work, school, and just our own inner being as humans.

So you know, I'm big on all stand up comedy. I want an improv team that I can sponsor as well in my business journey. Sometimes you just need a good laugh.

-All is Love

Heartless by Kanye West

Heartless - Kanye WestI actually like this new track off of Heartbreaks and 808's. I don't like the idea of this new album at all, and I am actually a big Kanye fan but I feel this is a big sell-out move. My theory is that he is looking for over-seas sales, but that's just my opinion. And although Kanye is known for always trying to do something new and different, this is a step off of the map that to me he will just lose his identity in. However, enjoy the new song heartless because the crossover on this track is not like Love Lockdown.

-All is Love

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes, I am a big kid

I can't wait to see this! I must have it. Not sure if you guys know this yet, but I am a big wolverine fanatic.(This pic is kind of old) But this here is a wolverine movie coming out . . . And having him face the Hulk!!!! - Pure genius!
Sorry, I was a big comic book freak. X-Men, Batman, Hulk, Iron Man, The Silver Surfer, Green Lantern, The question, and The Fantastic 4 were my favorites.

-All is Love

Obama plus Southpark - doesn't get better than that

I'm sorry but I love SouthPark . . . Explain to you more later, but if you want to see the whole episode copy and paste this into your url . . .

-All is Love

Friday, November 7th 2008

Today is Friday, November 7, the 312th day of 2008. There are 54 days left in the year.
Highlights in history on this date:
1659 - Peace of the Pyrenees is reached between Spain and France.

1733 - Spain and France sign the Treaty of Escurial and form an alliance against England.

1874 - The Republican Party is symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon drawn by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly magazine.

1916 - Republican Jeannette Rankin of Montana becomes the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress.

1917 - Bolsheviks seize the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg during the October Revolution. According to the Julian calendar, still in use in Russia, the date was October 25.

1919 - Socialists depose the king of Bavaria, ending the rule of one of Europe's oldest dynasties, and proclaim a republic.

1920 - Severe famine breaks out in China.

1939 - Sovereigns of Belgium and Holland approach Britain's King George VI advocating peace with Germany.

1944 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt wins an unprecedented fourth term in office, defeating Thomas E. Dewey.

1950 - The king of Nepal is deposed by the state's hereditary prime minister. The king's 3-year-old grandson, Prince Gyanendra, is installed as ruler. The deposed king favored demands for increased popular government in the state, which is ruled by the prime minister.

1956 - British and French declare a cease-fire in Egypt, but Britain says it will evacuate troops only on arrival of U.N. Emergency Force.

1966 - Chinese diplomats walk out of the Bolshevik Anniversary celebration in Moscow after hearing Soviet criticism of Chinese government.

1967 - Carl Stokes is elected the first black mayor of a major city - Cleveland, Ohio; U. S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signs a bill establishing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

1972 - Richard M. Nixon is re-elected as U.S. president.

1973 - United States and Egypt announce they will resume diplomatic relations and exchange ambassadors; Congress overrides U.S. President Richard M. Nixon's veto of the War Powers Act, which limits a chief executive's power to wage war without congressional approval.

1987 - Tunisia's President Habib Bourguiba is removed from office by his prime minister who says the 84-year-old leader is senile.

1988 - Powerful earthquake just inside China's mountainous southern border kills 600 people.

1989 - Multiparty elections held in Namibia under a U.N. peace plan is a step toward independence; David N. Dinkins is elected New York City's first black mayor.

1990 - Shots are fired near Mikhail Gorbachev during Soviet Union's Revolution Day parade; Irish voters elect a radical feminist to presidency.

1991 - Basketball star Magic Johnson announces he has tested positive for the AIDS virus and will retire.

1992 - King Hussein of Jordan tells Iraqis it is time to put an end to the government of Saddam Hussein.

1993 - Palestinian gunmen fire on a rabbi's car and Jewish settlers in the occupied territories riot.

1994 - The former head of a Bosnian Serb concentration camp becomes the first to be charged with war crimes after World War II when the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague issues its first indictment.

1995 - Three American servicemen plead guilty to raping a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl. The attack outrages the Japanese and strains ties between Japan and the United States.

1996 - A Nigerian airliner carrying 141 people crashes into swamp land east of Lagos, killing all aboard.

1997 - Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi signs a package of reforms aimed at making Kenya a multiparty democracy.

1998 - Colombian soldiers pull out from a region the size of Switzerland, the government's boldest concession to rebels in 34 years of civil war.

1999 - On the eve of final status talks with the Palestinians, three pipe bombs explode in an Israeli beach town and wound 33 people.

2000 - Americans choose Republican George W. Bush as president over incumbent Democratic Vice President Al Gore by 537 votes. The results of the election were not known for more than a month because of a dispute over the vote count in Florida.

2001 - Opposition forces claim another victory against the Taliban in northern Afghanistan as some of their forces are just 13 kilometers (8 miles) outside the strategic city of Mazar-e-Sharif.

2004 - Egypt denies it has a secret nuclear weapons program in an angry response to reports that the U.N. atomic watchdog agency is investigating the discovery of plutonium particles near an Egyptian nuclear facility.

2005 - Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori is arrested in Chile on charges involving corruption and massacres as he returns home to run for re-election after five years as a protected exile in Japan. Fujimori, target of an international arrest warrant, faces extradition to Peru.

Today is a new day . . . What part of history will you make today?

-All is Love

Life . . .

"You are the architect of your life. I have witnessed(and I know you have too) that life gets everything out of most people, when really people should be getting everything they can out of life."

-All is Love

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The world is feeling super!

For some reason, we have all been empowered by this election. With a bigger turnout of voters, and a history making experience; the 2008 Presidential election is an experience I am glad that I have been alive to witness. My life is still young, and already I have witnessed a lot. - In the 6th grade I watched the Twin Towers collapse and walked home to the Northern part of the Bronx from Harlem. - I have seen family members leave and go to war. - I have watched a giant growth in our technological system - Forced to thrive and overcome one of the greatest economic crisis' ever! - And now this! All within a life span of 18 years. I have had a son; been a product of a divorced household; taught to tap into all of my creative gifts - And life has just begun. I feel super!As a child, I had one dream . . . To be a super-hero. And for some crazy reason, Obama winning the election makes me feel like my childhood dream is actually capable of becoming a reality. No - Its not me being some wierdo, or having a surplus of high hopes that its irrational . . . This is a feeling of enjoyment. It is a reflective experience that has enlightened me to a level of living that many have not had the opportunity to experience. Obama brings hope. ANd although he has not even reached office yet, the mere possibility of an African American president who is not for "Black" people . . . but for all people sheds light upon an earth that has seemed for a while to have lost all of its purity, and beauty.As I child, I thought I was a mutant . . . wished to save the day and be recognized for my heroic efforts . . . And now with this great accomplishment and staple in American history . . . Scratch that - World history. I feel that it is possible for anything to happen.

With enough confidence, humility, and an above average desire and ambition to win . . . We can achieve greatness.

-All is Love

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My son will live to see a new world

This is the dawn of a new age. America has opened up the door to a change for the better. BARACK OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! I personally thought the system was going to try and mess everything all up. The crazy thing is, not only did he win but he blew Mccain out of the water! And don't even get me started on BOTH speeches after the win was announced.First of all, Mccain's speech was just a disgrace! He acted like a little kid who couldn't get his way, and Mccain supporters did not accept defeat well. From the crowd you can hear a lot of "boooo's!" to the announcing of Obama's win. Where as when you listen to Obama speak . . . It was probably the most inspirational; humble, powerful speech I have seen. Obama says specifically that he is also reaching out to Mccain supporters and how he will be their president too. He specifically says, "I need your help", and tells america that this is not his win but our win. The greatest part I believe is when Obama speaks about the 106 year old woman in Atlanta who went to vote today . . . All I can say is pure genius! I mean, well just watch for yourself. This speech was the most moving thing I have ever seen!He even congratulates Mccain and Palin in his speech! I'm sorry, but wtf?!!! . . . This guy is no joke! And he definitely has my support. His ability to hold his stature so respectfully is amazing!

Now, I'm just like . . . Where do we go from here?

-All is Love

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some inspiration

"Wealth is of the Heart and mind . . . not the Pocket"

-All is Love

My baby's first Halloween

It was a cool day. Even with the pretty crazy out here in the NYC, me and the fam safe. I know somebody who was a victim of the Blood's little game on Halloween, and I post this to let anyone know who's reading that I just found out that they're still going to act up today for election day. I don't know why they're acting up. Almost seems like they're trying to influence the vote. Be safe out there New Yorkers. You're in my prayers.
-All is Love

Fresh Daily and Lethal Inspiration

I'm not trying to take light off of the election, because that is the most important thing going on right now, but I would just like to announce the support of Fresh Daily. He actually has a few pieces from the new 451 collection.

Lethal Inspiration . . . Endorsed by the underground.

-All is Love

If Obama doesn't win . . .

Well, lets just say its going to be the L.A. riots all over again. But not just in L.A. . . . It will be across the world. And they will never let America live it down.

Well, I don't even think we will let America live it down.

-All is Love