Friday, July 31, 2009


“The fulfillment of this prophecy will come to be as my descendant sheep will stand at the crossroad. At this crossroad will stand my brother opposite, the Wolf. On this day Father Time, Mother Nature, the Sun, the Moon, Baby Lucks, Wind, Fire, Water and Earth will flow in opposites. Instead of the wolf sacrificing the sheep, as is his nature, the wolf will sacrifice itself so that the sheep can live. It will be then that all of the colors of the rainbow will form a circle of Universal Truth. In this moment every soul will be given back its own individual divinity as all living things will become One.”

Excerpt from "The Hyasa Prophecy”

I know the founder Dyron Holmes and I'm looking into this thing he's starting. Seems to have a lot of depth in it.

-All is Love

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Artwork on my hat

This is actually some graff. I did on my hat about a year and a half ago. Forgot all about it and decided to throw in on with my purple lethal inspiration ''Never Let Your Vision Crack!'' Tee - designed by me as well - lol. But yea it was interesting style i rocked today that i havent done in a while with grey levi stretch skinnys and black and green nike 6.0's Which are kicks I havent worn in like a year as well.

Just makes you think and takes you back to a diffrent place. I think back about a year ago and my mindset and so many things were so different. Some of those changes I have noticed today have been for the better, and some for the worst. Hopefully after today's reflection I can work on that which has become worse.

-All is Love

MJ always merked the stage!

I don't care if you're a hardcore gangster rapper! You have something to learn from this guy if you really want to be a musical artist.

-All is Love

The Battlefield

"Patiently I shall bear harsh words as the elephant bears arrows on the battlefield. People are often inconsiderate."

Translated by Eknath Easewaran

-All is Love

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Son's First Yankee Game!!!

Hey guys sorry I havent been posting as hard lately, but I want you guys to know that I have been hard at work and I'm ready to release to you guys alot of things coming now in august and september. But this was a crazy weekend that just passed and I will give you the full breakdown of how everything went down tommorow morning on the blog ending with my son's first yankee game with his mother and I at the new stadium yesterday.

-All is Love

Friday, July 24, 2009


"Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. Any of us will put out more and better ideas if our efforts are appreciated."

Alex F. Osborn

. . . "ALL IDEAS ARE GOOD!!!" - Kids Creative

-All is Love

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So I get home from work today and look what I come home to.

There's no greater feeling than fatherhood.

-All is Love

My day was made!!!

This is what I live for!!!

With my art, my music, etc.

Today at work with the kids, I was recording with the kids(which I will have online for you shortly) and after I was done this little boy about 5-6 years old named Jaysaun came up to me and said . . . "Brandon, you know - you're really cool. You make me want to come to camp."

Its for little moments like this, that I do what I do.

-All is Love

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Leaders and Followers

"Good followers do not become good leaders. To be sure, the good follower may win many promotions, but that does not make him a leader."

Dr. Laurence Peter

-All is Love

Thursday, July 16, 2009

On my own . . .

Well technically not completely on my own, but just got te keys yesterday for the apartment that myself, wifey, and my son.

And must I say its a GREAT feeling knowing that I'm going to have my own space for me and my family.

-All is Love

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Im dumn hype. Just copped some ice cream and it made my day! Went to ''The Lite Choice'' and copped some peanut butter ice cream with some chocolate chips on a cone. Tasty . . . Fullfilled my appetite, and it was a healthier choice - lol.

-All is Love

Sunday, July 12, 2009

This would have been it

Peep the rehearsal. I'm like damn, I would have like to seen where this would go. Funny thing is . . . well you know what let me not leak anything out. All I can say is stay tuned. lol.

-All is love

Take it in.

Art mimics life.
Life Mimics art.

-All is Love

Interesting thought . . . 19

So its funny . . .

Lately as you can tell I have had a lot of thoughts and artistic depictions of the sky running through my mind. I'm 19 now, reflecting upon my life experiences since July 3rd 1990 and I have seen that I have been through a lot . . . From the major events in history that I have lived through and personal day to day life experiences, I speak to many and most forget to realize that I am only 19 years old. A father, artist, brother, son, and young activist are just some of my titles. Each and every day, I seem to acquire another title attached to my name.

The sky is a funny thing because it is an image that seems limitless, but scientifically it is bound to not so much of an area. When you think of the sky, you think of freedom, and the ability to expand. You also the recognize the significance of height, and when looking to the sky you seek to fly away. You seek to move into the beyond. However, as the sky has been a big thing on my mind I think of the relevance. Another year completed on this earth and I am looking to move forward, and I am ready to expand. . . I am excited to see what this new year has in store and all of the lessons to be learned.

On the other side I am looking down at times, looking back and reflecting upon my accomplishments, and also the things that I have been setting in stone for the future. Realizing this only came when the other day on the ride home from work me and my friend TJ, were on the train and he says "Look at that beautiful sight" . . . Now where as usually I would have looked to the sky, I immediately looked down and saw some broken down buildings that were covered in Graffiti art. I thought to myself - "How beautiful" then I looked up and saw an amazing sky with white fluffy clouds and a deep blue oasis cast out before my eyes. I replied to Tj - "Wait. Are you talking about the graff. or the sky." He replied "The Sky"

I realized then that all people see different things in one picture, but I am ready to move beyond knowing that my broken down past has been also found beauty.

-All is Love

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry some fascination with the sky

Theres a full moon tonight. Just thought I would share.

-All is Love

Wtf?!!!! A rainbow?

This is the first time I have ever seen a rainbow in my life!!! Wtf? What is this world coming to

-All is Love

The sky

Ever since that whole thing with mammatus clouds, I have been kind of fascinated with landscapes involving the sky. On my way upstate right now for a barbeque and saw this sight. Kinda sick to me. . . Very serene.

-All is Love

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Let your heart show!!!

Some of my artwork. Self explanatory. Look into the colors and see what you think it all stands for. For example words are "Blue and green". What could that possibly represent?

-All is Love

History . . .

"Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him."

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890 -1969)

-All is Love

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Freaky Clouds

Kinda funny that I blogged this last week and didn't think much about it, but check this out . . . Kinda has more relevance than I thought

Who would have known that this sight would be something known as mammatus clouds? I grew up in New York City and I am in no way shape or form an ignorant person, but my knowledge of nature is very limited. This is just me being honest. But I decided after seeing this video to do some research on this type of clouds. Check this out . . .

-All is Love