Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
I'm Back!
Since the release of ''Table of Content.'' There hasn't been too much blog content. Posts have been lacking, and I have been failing to let you completely into what's been going on in my life.
I wish to inform you however that I am ready to bring out some crazy things again. The 2nd issue of The Freedom Theory will be up on the Lethal Inspiration website, and the third mixtape will drop January 1st entitled ''Weapon X'' it will really start to let you in to this time of dicernment and Clarity I have been going through. I have really been taking time to reflect and bury the old self, and resurrect with the new.
I'm also really going in on the album, A Musician's Tale and putting final touches to that.
The main thing I want to say though is watch our for ''The Succeedors'' which will be a HUGE platform company to build from.
Can't give too much too quick. Stay tuned . . .
-All is Love
Brick in the Wall
-All is Love
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A Hole in the Place of Heart from DavidMyriam on Vimeo.
-All is love
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy B-Day Boy!!!!
-All is Love
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Dont order from this china man!
Today I didn't cook though I usually serve as Mr. Mom here in the house. Been busy getting a lot of photoshoots done, designing and just overall working on art. - Particularly alot of music production. Anyway, today I didnt cook so me and wifey decided to order some chinese food... BAD CHOICE! Is all i can say.
First I called the place and there was a of noise in the restuarant and I was repeatedly asked to repeat myself. I didnt want to scream because my son was sleeping. So the guy hangs up on me! Wifey calls back. After about 15 mins. She finally places the order. Then they take forever to deliver! Delivery guy shows up with no change so we were forced to give a larger tip, and when we open everything up ... I DIDNT GET MY GARLIC CHICKEN! We called and complained then got refunded.
All i have to say is don't order from Empire Wok on Castle Hill Ave. here in the bx
-All is Love
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
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Thursday, October 1, 2009
. . . think about it.
-All is Love