Hey guys. Been a little non-existant all summer until the release of this new mixtape and the generation of the free exhibit. As you might be able to tell, life has been crazy and i have had a HUGE workload and not as much liesure time. There has been no internet access from home since me, wifey, and the baby have moved into our place, and a lot of my networking has been direct through the phone. But a hint of whats coming after the mixtape is a music video of the 1st single Generation X feat. Tejon as well as the 2nd issue of ''The Freedom Theory'' comic along with some clothing and an online cartoon series coming from Lethal Inspiration. Not to mention the magazine company we're working on. I can't give you too much info. But lets say this along with much more shows a rebellion is coming. Be ready to embrace the inner beast to fight for good. The underground has been starving for too
long. I am ready to lead the resilience.
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-All is Love