So I post debates on Facebook often and there was an interesting one I asked people to speak on the other day asking them to explain the meaning of Common Sense. After reading all of the comments, this was the most complete answer I found . . .
"I think there r two things being discussed which are 2 parts of common sense: 1 is the natural law and the other is what is commonly taught or held as a norm in a particular society. The natural law is that which is common to all humanity based on right reason. It is not something that is up for grabs or just a matter of is "universally binding". An example would be that murder is wrong (as in TJ's example). This is known as a certitude from the univerally natural law. Of course, some ppl will argue that there is no such thing as natural law...or that it is still a matter of opiinon...but to an honest and right thinking person, it is not a matter of simple opinion. Sometimes pple get rebellious and argue against any universally binding law...but this is just arrogance, pride, and/or lack of sound judgement. True law that is part of the natural law or derives from it is never a burden but an enhancement to true freedom and a protection for society against tyrrany and anarchy. People who want to escape all law or universal norms become enslaved to something...either their own passions or to someone else."
Dopeness. Stay tuned for updates.
-All is Love