I'm into big success books. Anything written by Napoleon Hill is definitely whats up. Something I'm about to start reading is "Today Matters" written by John Maxwell. My boy Erik put me on to it and I trust this guy's oppinion. He gave me a quick sample of what is in it and it seems to be some pretty empowering information. But basically I'm just someone who hits google and researches every and anything that I become interested in. Like one thing that has really caught my eye is the whole "New World Order" thing. - Pretty scary to think about. Especially when you dig deep into it and see that these guys have a lot of ties into the media and how they are brainwashing us to believe and feel that everything is Ok and "free". I have also found that they have thier most ties in the U.S. although they may be all over the world. One dope book that really inspires me alot is a fictional novel written in the 50's by this guy named Ray Bradbury called Farenhiet 451. If you know about the clothing line then you will see that we even based this season off of the novel pretty directly. But I believe that reading is key because it allows you to do your own investigation rather than just taking what society gives you. Dont get me wrong, I love movies, and sometimes watching TV is just relaxing which is also neccesary but when you do your own investigations it is harder to be fooled and no one can tell you what is right or wrong - you make up your own mind. This is a reason why I love the underground so much also.
Anyway just thought I would present you with a track from an underground artist named Immortal Technique who I am constantly listening to. - Just kind of crazy to think about.
-All is Love