Yea I know, weird and surprising blog title. However, it is true. For those who don't know, I have a small case of lactose intolerance and excess dairy products make me sick. I CAN eat milk and cheese and stuff but not too much of it. But, since a child I have never been able to eat yogurt. Even the smell gave me nausea.
That was all until a few days ago at my job in the After-school program. Before I teach class we always have "Snack" time which is provided by the school that we work out of. Instructors like myself, and group leaders are allowed to eat the snack along with the kids. And it just so happens that one day they decide to give yogurt. This day I seemed to feel a little hungrier than usual so I decided, "Let me just try a yogurt again. . . Who Know's? It's been years since I have even attempted this." So I proceeded to grab a strawberry/banana yogurt from the cart. . . I opened it slowly . . . Gave a quick smell . . . "No Nausea?" Hmm. . . lets taks this a little further. I got a spork and scooped up a very small amount of yogurt to see if I could handle it. . . Tasted it . . . "Hold on. This stuff actually tastes GREAT!!!" So I ate the whole thing. Was still fascinated by this new acquired love of the taste, so I grabbed another one and ate it too!
So all in all, this was my first experience with yogurt that was successful. Lets see if next time I get so lucky.
-All is Love