So on Saturday I posted halfway through my day from my phone and I said I would let you know more about the day but I wasn't able to get to that until now.
After I went to the park with my son and fiancee, I had to pick up my little sister from this saturday school program that she's in for kids who are excel-ing in their school work. When I picked her up I really had to use the bathroom pretty bad so we went across the street to the McDonalds. The pic above is from that restroom. . . When I went to wash my hands, I had to use one sink to turn on the water and the water came out from the faucet opposite of it(Really made no sense. Mind you this was on 93rd street on the west side)
From there I went down to SoHo really quick to cop this hat I have been wanting to get from supreme. We walked around a while and I saw some people I knew, said whats up, just spending time with my little sister which doesn't happen as often as it used to now a days due to my hectic schedule. Anyway, we proceeded to take another stop in Urban Outfitters and here are some things I found pretty interesting.

Its a thing that tattoos your toast with a middle finger on it which I found pretty funny, and some Captain America headphones which I also felt was pretty dope.
Anyway as the night continued, I dropped my sister home and went to pick up wifey and my son from a baby shower her friend from High School was having which was a strictly female event(said so

As you can tell it was a busy day.
-All is Love