Great fight last night with Miguel Cotto vs. Joshua Clottey with Cotto coming out as champion. . . However, I personally do not believe that he should have won. I was watching the fight at a little get together party at a family friend's apartment. My son was sleeping in the room and can I say the boy is a trooper the way he slept through our noise - lol.
Anyway, watching the fight you saw that Clottey was boxing harder, throwing less punches, and landing more. Not to mention - Did you see Cotto's eye?!!

Now, I'm no experienced boxer but I know a few things. First of all Cotto needed to smother Clottey a lot more due to the difference in arm length. A big reason I believe Cotto fought so bad however is due to a wealth of inexperienced people in his corner. Him not training in Puerto Rico and instead in Florida was a STUPID move! Because of this, you could tell his leg work was not up to par and he was very winded towards the end of the fight. Then in-between rounds they were taking too long to get out his seat and patch him up. Especially once that gash over his eye appeared they should have tried to take better care of the man.

Now, the real reason I believe they made the decision for Cotto to win the fight was more of a business thing. First of all, they took extremely long to announce the numbers, and second of all IT WAS PUERTO RICAN WEEKEND!!!
I am puerto rican, and I was actually going for Cotto. However, Clottey proved he was the better athlete. With the fight though being the day of the festival, and the day following being the actual Puerto Rican Day Parade . . . How could they make Cotto lose? It simply would have made bad business for them. At the end of the day, the ones who really care about these fights are those making or losing money . . . The rest are just watching for entertainment. But those with the money get to choose what really happens.
Just think about it.
-All is Love