Lately as you can tell I have had a lot of thoughts and artistic depictions of the sky running through my mind. I'm 19 now, reflecting upon my life experiences since July 3rd 1990 and I have seen that I have been through a lot . . . From the major events in history that I have lived through and personal day to day life experiences, I speak to many and most forget to realize that I am only 19 years old. A father, artist, brother, son, and young activist are just some of my titles. Each and every day, I seem to acquire another title attached to my name.
The sky is a funny thing because it is an image that seems limitless, but scientifically it is bound to not so much of an area. When you think of the sky, you think of freedom, and the ability to expand. You also the recognize the significance of height, and when looking to the sky you seek to fly away. You seek to move into the beyond. However, as the sky has been a big thing on my mind I think of the relevance. Another year completed on this earth and I am looking to move forward, and I am ready to expand. . . I am excited to see what this new year has in store and all of the lessons to be learned.
On the other side I am looking down at times, looking back and reflecting upon my accomplishments, and also the things that I have been setting in stone for the future. Realizing this only came when the other day on the ride home from work me and my friend TJ, were on the train and he says "Look at that beautiful sight" . . . Now where as usually I would have looked to the sky, I immediately looked down and saw some broken down buildings that were covered in Graffiti art. I thought to myself - "How beautiful" then I looked up and saw an amazing sky with white fluffy clouds and a deep blue oasis cast out before my eyes. I replied to Tj - "Wait. Are you talking about the graff. or the sky." He replied "The Sky"
I realized then that all people see different things in one picture, but I am ready to move beyond knowing that my broken down past has been also found beauty.
-All is Love