Funny thing was in my head the name didn't match the visual style and the voice. At least not on my first listening or in my formal introductions. I found this guy who is more on the "rapper's rapper" side of the Hip Hop scene who's got some more weight on him and a rugged raw voice as well as fashion sense. So now I'm more confused. - I hear "Electronica" and I think it'll be some cool electro-pop/hip hop crossover kind of stuff, but this dude has some raw lyrics. I have a strong acquired taste for both depending on the setting, but I listen on . . .
I check out the track below and since I was thinking he would be more on the electronically enhanced/production/melody based/fun music side of things I was really thrown off. I check out some more songs, and I adapt from the name to realizing that this is a really lyrical kat. He's got some flows, and a plethora of various written poetic elements in his rhymes.
On a rhyming/straight raw/old-school/rap/hip hop approach I'm like alright he's dope. But here's my evaluation . . . (note, this is not a judgement)
Ok #1. New name. Doesn't represent him well to potential fans. #2 - He's what a lot of the old-school hip hop heads have been wanting to pop for a long time. No over-hyped/lack of substance product. #3 - Like I said lyrically dope, but lacking in his sound. In today's industry people get bored too easily(which is my issue at times)and they need a differentiation in sound and its sad to say but the almighty "swag" plagues our popular culture. #4 - which is an extension of number 3 is since I know Jay Electronica is a producer I think the creativity level on that side of the music should be expanded and grown so that he can appeal to a more mass audience.
But #5. He could still be the same whatever he wants to be and just make it work for him and achieve the amount of success he wants to obtain, just know that in this market he's not gonna be "necked-off" as much as someone like Drake.(which I personally have little respect for as compared to Electronica especially)
-All is Love