"As far as Native Americans...the Europeans did not have better techonology. It is a myth history teachers push for that Eurocentric ideaology. Natives=Savages, Europeans=refined intelligence, BULLSHIT. The Europeans learned so much about technology from the Native Americans. Plus our school history maps and books fail to show where the tribes were ... See Moreand how BIG of a role they played in the American Revolution and Civil War. There are tons of first hand accounts from European explorers who spoke about how the Native American tribal councils were better organized and how its inspiration changed how the European countries handled politics in the "New World".
Don't let that Eurocentric bullshit confuse you brother, our ancestors were intelligent warriors. It is why we have Pyramaids in Mexico and in Chicago, IL. Unfortunately, due to their long years of great health, their immune systems were not prepared for the filth Europeans brough over. Especially when they brought pigs to the continent.
AND, did you know there was a law banning Europeans from joining Indian tribes? Europeans must;ve been scared if they made that law. Apparently many of them disliked the colonies and prefered the life the Natives were living. Even fought on the side of the Indians. There are tons of accounts where African slaves escaped to Indian tribes and were giving protection. The Natives had a standing chance to survive up until the "Nadir" period. Thats when racism truly began making its mark and setting itself in American roots."
-All is Love