Here's a dope poet/artist I have as a friend on facebook. She posted this poem and tagged me in it so I thought I would share it with you guys. Really put me at peace when reading it. So check it out . . .
In The Heart Of My Ears -- NaPoWriMo Series 1/30
"In the heart of my ears,
I feel your whispers as I sleep.
Feel lips of enlightenment resting ‘pon rhythmic beating
For sake of counting out morse code spasms,
Wishing not to miss a thought emitted from this mind of mine.
In the heart of my ears,
I hear whispers of a spiritual savior,
Not that of a God who bit senses of insecurity,
Savoring the flavor of impurity…marinating with manipulation…
Only to multiply and feed continuously. No.
I hear whispers of a savior who kisses with clarity.
Gives gifts of definition leading to the beauty of true Divinity.
In the heart of my ears,
Pours burning love from cauldrons of
Seething deviance, innocence lying in long veils
Awaiting defilement daily, a ritualistic sadistic ceremony…
In the heart of my ears is where submission
Is heard whispering and whimpering.
In the heart of my ears,
I shall let the wind of peace blow over me
For there is where love exists and I ignore
The rules of reality…
In the heart of my ears, I am allowed to live a dream.
The stars are sleeping on the calm black waters
Of the midnight skies, and the luminescent moon
Makes love to my cardiac rhythmic tunes…
In the heart of my ears,
I dance in the scented twilight…
From morning until night…
Content with life, Complete and at peace…
Here within the masterpiece of art
In the heart of my ears. <3"

Check her out here on facebook: Heidi 'Raw' Phillips-West
-All is Love