Last night I went to an independent film screening with an old friend of mine named Chris Maestro. This man has done a lot of activist work and has also produced a few beats for me in the past. Right now he is starting an organization named Between the Lines Mentoring
Anyway so we were talking on text yesterday and he randomly hits me saying "Hey what are you doing tonight?". I responded, "IDK yet...why" Then he told me about the screening and I said yea I'll come through.
So I get there and the atmosphere you can tell immediately is a little more upscale, but definitely humble and intellectual as well. I sit down in the theater which was a small one that you can rent out over on 3rd street right off of ave. B, and I start catching up with Chris. It had been a while since we met and had a lot of catching up to do.
The film was about an exchange program between kids from New York(Harlem) and Maine through a program called Operation Breaking Stereotypes and it was really funny, entertaining yet made you ponder upon questions especially between racial class, and social-economic class. All in all a good film.
Afterwards there was a Q&A session with the cast then food served and just overall networking time. And I just have to say this classy styled event is more my style. You know ... Hors d'Ĺ“uvre consist of steamed vegatables, fish, Macaroni, pita bread and hummus and whatnot, sipping wine, and the only other drinks are like sparkling water, and sparkling lemonade...
All I'm saying is after that I just need to be at more events like this. I'm sick of the "HOOD" ish. This is where I need to be at.
-All is Love