Thursday, July 8, 2010

Free-write : Just some thoughts on the mind lately

Free-write - was on the train and typed this on my phone.

How could it be?

How is it that we
could go from -
Garden of Eden
Wandering in the Desert?

I'm confused

The thing that my body tells me is right...
My mind says don't do it
But I did it anyway

And regret

A slave to the things acquired on this earth.

Trying to break free.

Mentally restricted
the beyond...

I have spiritual leprosy

Banished from society
My disease is too contagious

The bubonic plague seems to be at hand...

And we created it

The gates of Jericho were wide open for us to enter
and we chose not to listen

He promised

We didn't play our part

We chose not to follow
or accept
absolute Freedom

Existing outside of us

Covenants broken
Love distorted
Peace disrupted
Vision corrupted

Set us free.

Unite us once again

Send down your marital grace
and lead us to a love
to that of you for your people

I didn't want a cop out

I wish to fight for this until I am martyr

Let your will be done

Though I am not worthy to receive this
Say the word and I shall be healed."

-All is Love