Monday, September 20, 2010

#ireallythink - inspired off of twitter trending topics. lol

#ireallythink that if you are not enhancing the quality of someone else's life with everything you do - you are wasting your time

#ireallythink that if you want to be a great - you cannot be afraid of death

#ireallythink that the social institutions of today truly have no basis in reality

#ireallythink that if you are stupid - you need to be removed from this earth

#ireallythink that if you are not a progressive thinker for mankind, then you dont think at all

#ireallythink that abortion is wrong! under any circumstances

#ireallythink That God and his Love are the only solution

#ireallythink that we are all artists

#ireallythink that the definition of art is simply - creation

#ireallythink that ifou spend 50% of ur day tweeting or facebook updating about shit doesnt matter or is not going 2 inspire people then you are a waste of life

#ireallythink that gucci man leads to death

#ireallythink that being an employee for corporate america is selling yourself into slavery

#ireallythink there is no such thing as a good job.

#ireallythink that if you are an american who doesnt own a business - then you need to move somewhere else immediately

#ireallythink that college is a form of socializing the mind of our people

#ireallythink that there is more to life than what is presented to us in popular culture

#ireallythink we have been brainwashed

#ireallythink that if you dont agree with what #ireallythink then you can kick

#ireallythink that it is in your hands to control your life.

#ireallythink that the change is coming. And we will make is happen.

Follow me on twitter - @_feel_x

-All is Love
