Here's a dope poetry piece from my brother V.
It has Arrived
As it has arrived
The concrete halls of street and skyscraper
Have been adorned in modest pavement
For the birth of the King
Although the highest blanket is confounded white
Thy day
It translates to the deepest open wound
Thy night
Amidst the mauve colored water painted portrait
That layers over the whole world which makes us 1ne
Is a bright gleam in the atmosphere?
Penetrating and puncturing the Ozone
Like the white blood cells, within the deepest open wound.
They have found the gleam
The Star with no points
And followed it to the Destination of Faith
Upon Entry to the most humble abode that could be a home,
At the start of the journey, it had snowed.
By the time of arrival, it had stuck.
Previously, I had asked you to wait.
To wait Until it Snows.
Wait until La Ciel has cried with heartbreak so cold
Her pain has turned to none,
And her tears have turned to ice.
But thou has forgiven,
And seeks to feel a Love 1nce again.
Your Patience has been rewarded,
Your perseverance, respected.
On Christmas Day,
The shapeless star will rise.
The King is born
As the Snow arrives.
To Be Continued.
Live. Life. Love. Forever.
-All is Love