Why is our economy down? South park has the answer. . . We need faith. Follow the links to see the rest of this thought evoking episode. But this is the middle but I think it contains the most content.
-All is Love
Monday, March 30, 2009
Strengths and Weaknesses

And you may think he's an idiot; but I respect the love in my boy's heart so much and I pray for that man everyday.
Today he had his first slip up on the girl and spazed on her . . . for trying to hurt herself! Put him in a bad situation cuz he put his hands on her, but honestly knowing the exact situation - its understandable. Fo you I have this quote. . . Things will blow over. You can do it my mans!
"In most cases, strengths and weaknesses are two sides of the same coin. A strength in one situation is a weakness in another, yet often the person can't switch gears. It's a very subtle thing to talk about strengths and weaknesses because almost always they're the same thing."
Steve Jobs
-All is Love
Sunday, March 29, 2009
In that spirit of growing . . .
Life is Learning and growing
"There is none who cannot teach somebody something, and there is none so excellent that he cannot be excelled."
Baltasar Gracian
-All is Love
Baltasar Gracian
-All is Love
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Why music?
Simple . . . God told me so.
"Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy"
Psalms 33:3
-All is Love
PS. Mixtape release date April 14th
"Sing to him a new song;
play skillfully, and shout for joy"
Psalms 33:3
-All is Love
PS. Mixtape release date April 14th
Sunday, March 22, 2009
In search of excellence

Why has Feel-X been gone for so long? For one reason. . . In search of excellence. Taking more time for my family and spiritual life instead of using it on a computer. Take this quote into consideration . . .
"If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude."
Colin Powell
. . . I intend t work hard, stay focused, not give up on my dreams, and do it all with a strong and loving godly family by my side.
-All is Love
Just listen.

PS - Kind of long. But its worth listening to. Good empowerment messages.
-All is Love
Walk with an Elephant mentality!
In-tech appearance

-All is Love
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Guess who's back!
lol. Sorry for the long time that has went by without me posting anything, but I've been incredibly busy focusing in on this love dare, wifey started working, in the past 2 weeks I have done like 5 shows, and Lethal Inspiration did a photo shoot with Vibe Magazine!!! I'll fill you in on the details later, but just know I have not disappeared off of the face of the earth. Maybe off of the blog, but thats it! I will be posting later on tonight about some more details for you.
-All is Love
-All is Love
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hey guys
Sorry. I really need you fill you guys in. Haven't posted all week. HAven't even been able to get to a computer. I just feel I'm on a strong spiritual journey right now. Feeling kind of depressed and down, but have been learning some things along the way. This week I should be back with some new stuff for you. But for the meanwhile . . . Check out this video - Extremely weird, confusing, and a big bunch of WTF?!! all at the same time. Yet somehow entertaining.
-All is Love
-All is Love
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 1 complete

Yea I know. I said we didn't have much problems but it seems we both have some things to work on. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but listen to this . . .
Ok, today's dare was based around patience. Its starts with this bible passage
"Be completely humble and gentle, be patient and bearing with one another in love" - Ephesians 4:2
Let me tell you, we both are two very impatient people - lol. Also due to the fact that we are both extremely passionate, caring, and emotional people it makes us pretty short fused to anger at times. The book says "Anger is usually caused when the strong desire for something is mixed with disappointment or grief." . . I was the one who started off the day pretty bad. In the morning I was awoken by a phone call from my partner who informed me of today's "No School" due to the heavy snowstorm which meant I wouldn't be teaching today. I am a night person and because of that I woke up pretty late. My partner constantly get on my case about it, because she wants help with the baby. Today however she was very patient with me. However, since I was still tired and a little cranky I was not as such.
I continued to be tested walking over to her house in the cold, and climbing over snow while not being able to see because there was snow blowing in my eyes due to the heavy wind in the morning. When I arrived, I was in the mood to be quiet and not talk much. - She took it as me having an attitude. Somehow she still managed to be patient with me.
As the day progressed it got a little better until night right before I was about to leave when she brought up the argument with me about my actions in the morning. I got heated and there goes the debate. . . There wasn't really much after it, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I am going to try my best to go to bed and wake up early - lol. Perhaps it will help my chances.
-All is Love
Sunday, March 1, 2009
This is a throwback!!
Want to hear Feel-X back in '06. REcorded this at 15 years old. This was back when I was going through my wreckless Hardcore rap phase - lol. I guess you can see the growth artistically from then until now. Track features two dudes I know by the names of Cise and Seme. Both really lyrical dudes, my style is a lot different then theirs though. Check it out and see the growth.
-All is Love
-All is Love
Here's something I saw on one of the poetry in motion things on the train. I find it really inspirational. Written by Emily Dickenson.
"Hope is the thing that perches in the soul,
and sings the tunes without the words
and never stops at all"
We should all walk with hope in our minds and hearts
-All is Love
"Hope is the thing that perches in the soul,
and sings the tunes without the words
and never stops at all"
We should all walk with hope in our minds and hearts
-All is Love
Jonathan Roberts

Jon and I met over the summer and worked with the same play group formulating an original play with music, costume, set design, etc. Working with each other, we were able to develop a pretty cool friendship and understand each other creatively a bit. Then as we went into the school year we found ourselves at the same site once a week teaching. Eventually Jon and myself got together and made some music together outside of what we were working on with the kids. So you know, this guy is a creative genius! As a keyboardist/vocalist/songwriter with degrees in musical theory and theater, he has really expanded my sound in the short amount of time we have been working together. Not sure if he knows that(lol), but this guys is no joke. Actually helped me to put together "Billie Jean" which you know is the single off of the mixtape "The Preface".
Anyway so he also plays with this band called "Renaldo the Ensemble". Check out their video for their song "Sands in the Glass"
Also check out Jon's website at www.jmtr.com
-All is Love
40 days towards love

So, I liked the message of the movie so much I went and bought the book to try on my relationship. It's not like mine is in jeopardy or anything. I just have faith in the morals that will be instilled in my daily routine through the execution of what is in this book. I also am willing to take a chance in better strengthening my relationship. If you want, you can follow me for the next 40 days as I document how this works out for me. So if you were someone who was thinking about doing it . . . Maybe you would like to use my example as I use my blog as my daily journal of the results. I have a feeling some of the things it may ask me to do will be difficult, but I am willing to take a chance and work at it.
I hope those of you who are religious will pray for me, and those who are not just cross your fingers for me that this only works for the better in my exploration into better understanding the vague concept of love. And not only that, but that I may execute love in my daily life more effectively from here on out.
-All is Love
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