So, I liked the message of the movie so much I went and bought the book to try on my relationship. It's not like mine is in jeopardy or anything. I just have faith in the morals that will be instilled in my daily routine through the execution of what is in this book. I also am willing to take a chance in better strengthening my relationship. If you want, you can follow me for the next 40 days as I document how this works out for me. So if you were someone who was thinking about doing it . . . Maybe you would like to use my example as I use my blog as my daily journal of the results. I have a feeling some of the things it may ask me to do will be difficult, but I am willing to take a chance and work at it.
I hope those of you who are religious will pray for me, and those who are not just cross your fingers for me that this only works for the better in my exploration into better understanding the vague concept of love. And not only that, but that I may execute love in my daily life more effectively from here on out.
-All is Love