Yea I know. I said we didn't have much problems but it seems we both have some things to work on. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but listen to this . . .
Ok, today's dare was based around patience. Its starts with this bible passage
"Be completely humble and gentle, be patient and bearing with one another in love" - Ephesians 4:2
Let me tell you, we both are two very impatient people - lol. Also due to the fact that we are both extremely passionate, caring, and emotional people it makes us pretty short fused to anger at times. The book says "Anger is usually caused when the strong desire for something is mixed with disappointment or grief." . . I was the one who started off the day pretty bad. In the morning I was awoken by a phone call from my partner who informed me of today's "No School" due to the heavy snowstorm which meant I wouldn't be teaching today. I am a night person and because of that I woke up pretty late. My partner constantly get on my case about it, because she wants help with the baby. Today however she was very patient with me. However, since I was still tired and a little cranky I was not as such.
I continued to be tested walking over to her house in the cold, and climbing over snow while not being able to see because there was snow blowing in my eyes due to the heavy wind in the morning. When I arrived, I was in the mood to be quiet and not talk much. - She took it as me having an attitude. Somehow she still managed to be patient with me.
As the day progressed it got a little better until night right before I was about to leave when she brought up the argument with me about my actions in the morning. I got heated and there goes the debate. . . There wasn't really much after it, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. I am going to try my best to go to bed and wake up early - lol. Perhaps it will help my chances.
-All is Love