This is an old quote of mine, and it continues to prove itself time and time again. But, check this out. . .
Today I was touched and moved by this 1st grader named Abdul.
At Work after clubs are over and I teach cartooning, I am a floater on Monday's helping out wherever needed. Since today we were short staffed with the 1st graders that is where I filled in.
These were kids I haven't really gotten a chance to work with in this new job as of yet so they didn't know me too well, and I definitely didn't really know any names in the room, etc.
Anyway, so some of the kids really started to take a liking to me and were kind of fighting over who I would be with to help them on their homework, etc. So, I wind up sitting with Abdul who is 9 years old. This child was so excited to completely break down and explain the basic mathematics he learned in school with addition and subtraction and their relationship to one another as well as with multiplication and division. He was so enthusiastic to speak to me and express his amazement in the things he had learned. So the conversation continues . . .
We reach a word problem about the police and he gets distracted and says to me randomly - "I like the good guys. The one's who want to help people and do good stuff. The one's that don't want us to do bad stuff." So I just sat and listened. Abdul continues to move on and say - "You know? . . . Everyone is a community. . . and . . . and . . . Everyone is a family too. And . . . Everyone has two dads. - Did you know that? It's like, I have my dad . . . and some people maybe lose their dads but its ok because GOD is our dad too."
. . .
I stopped. Stunned in this child's innocence and purity and understanding of simple concepts that us as adults overlook. Addition and subtraction is exciting! And WE ARE a Community . . . A family.
In this child's simplicity and innocence I saw hope. I saw that man in his nature is good. And desires good. He spoke with such passion, but was so light-hearted; and I thought to myself, "Why can't us grown folk understand the world as simply and easily as this child. This is how we were meant to live."
And I have been inspired. Thank you Abdul. You may not know it young boy, but you are so much more intelligent than most adults.
-All is Love