One of the "homie's"(lol), this dope actress and play write, activist, etc. named Julie Rosier is a part of something called "Red Thread". This is from their blog.
"An ancient Chinese proverb speaks of an invisible red thread of destiny, which connects all humans to each other. It is said that this magical cord may tangle or stretch but will never break.
“I see the wise woman.
She is at the loom: a loom warped with days and nights.
White threads, black threads receive her flying shuttle,
a shuttle filled with threads of many colors.
And intertwined with each thread is a thread blood red:
a thread of such sensitivity, it cannot be seen, yet
a thread of such vitality, it can never be hidden.”
M. Louise Hoskins"
Check them out at http://detroitredthread.wordpress.com/
-All is Love