So if you didn't know already by now, I also assist Sister Mary Eileen at St. Raymond's parish in the Bronx with the Life Teen program. LifeTeen is classified as a movement of the Holy Spirit. Every Sunday after mass it gathers Teens together to discuss issues in the world, as well as evangelizing and teaching them in the Catholic Faith. We have fun with Barbeques, Open Mics, and last year started the Annual Youth Rally's - But also get into some deep discussions, and perform skits, create videos, and make music(lol).
If you want to check out more of what we do you can check out http://www.strayslifeteen.org/ or you should definitely stop by and have whatever youth you know attend our program.
Last night I met with sister to start planning for the new year of Life Teen . . . and just know we've got some FIRE coming.
-All is Love