So its funny. . .
There's this 2nd grader named Darren that comes in to our after-school program every day(literally) and brings me a picture that he drew for me. Now, Darren has been known to be a "difficult" kid to work with for many, and he was in my group over the summer. For some reason I grew a liking to Darren though, and towards the end of the summer I had discovered he is an extremely talented young boy.
Now another thing that I had realized that most can't work with Darren with is that he is the type of kid that has to be consistently engaged in an activity that requires movement. It is usually during the times when you ask for everyone to be seated, still, and quiet that Darren struggles with. What was crazy is that before the after-school program had started for the year I happened to be walking through Parkchester and Darren's mom stops me. She comes up to me and in an extremely enthusiastic way thanks me for the work I did with her son in the summer. She continues to say "I don't know what it is that you did but his creativity has been sparked! I can't get him to stop beat boxing and banging on the table, writing little rap songs and dancing around the house... Thank you." She continues to ask "Will you be working with 2nd grade this year? ... I'm going to request that he is in your group."
This is what I work for. This is what I fight for. Why I make music, and all forms of art. When Darren's mom told me this I said to myself..."Wow" and I felt more accomplished than any of my other achievements in life thus-far.
...Now the funny thing is that when Darren came in to the program the other day he handed me a usual drawing but at the bottom of the page(shown above) it said "Brandon X" So I asked him - "Who's Brandon X?" He replies "you are" Now him having no prior knowledge of my "Feel-X" title or anything I found it funny that he would place me with a title. I also found it funny because this would be the 3rd time in my life I would be called "Brandon X" and the other 2 times were people comparing me to "Malcom X" I somewhat find it true(the comparison) where as; Malcom was a radical and revolutionary, and I find myself in those same categories.
IDK why Darren called me Brandon X and he couldn't seem to articulate why for me, but . . . IDK... It's just a funny thought. Especially because further up on the page Darren also wrote "Malcom X"
The time is coming.
-All is Love