So there's a new talk show coming soon entitled "Share it with the World". It will be hosted by my brother and business partner Erik Forman. The concept of Share it with the World is throughout all of our gifts, talents, knowledge and experiences on earth we cannot and shall not keep it to ourselves. Instead, we must "Share it with the World". With various interviews, performances, and inspirations from many who are doing their thing in their particular field(whether it may be business, writing, fashion, music, art, etc.) "Share it with the World" hopes to serve as an inspiration to many to get out and help out their community and not be afraid to share their God given talents at any cost.
Now as I am the Creative Director on the project I thought I might share these pictures with you behind the scenes in the making while I worked the control boards and doing some live editing of the show.

I cannot disclose where this show will be aired as of yet, but be on the lookout. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE NEXT OPRAH! . . . No Shags. lol
-All is Love