So, my day began as usual just chilling with my son and feeding him, taking care of anything he needed pretty much. Sorry if some people have weak stomaches, but he actually took an enourmous crap today! I mean it was crazy, coming out of the diaper and all of that. It was kind of funny - lol. But yea, I usually take care of him from early in the morning until his mother comes home from school and I have to go teach class. Inbetween while he's sleeping I work on beats, designs, video editing, drawings, write, etc.
But today I had to go to a quick workshop on video editing at MNN(Manhattan Neighborhood network) and I learned a little more. I think the dope part of the session was when I learned a little more about animation. I will definitely be using it soon. If you didn't know already I have been putting together a few episodes to be aired ont thier station about the youth program I have been working for named Kids Creative.
If you want, you can check out http://animationworkshop.blogspot.com/ and look at some of the videos. This is some of the things I learned about today. Kind of dope to me.
-All is Love