This is the dawn of a new age. America has opened up the door to a change for the better. BARACK OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! I personally thought the system was going to try and mess everything all up. The crazy thing is, not only did he win but he blew Mccain out of the water! And don't even get me started on BOTH speeches after the win was announced.First of all, Mccain's speech was just a disgrace! He acted like a little kid who couldn't get his way, and Mccain supporters did not accept defeat well. From the crowd you can hear a lot of "boooo's!" to the announcing of Obama's win. Where as when you listen to Obama speak . . . It was probably the most inspirational; humble, powerful speech I have seen. Obama says specifically that he is also reaching out to Mccain supporters and how he will be their president too. He specifically says, "I need your help", and tells america that this is not his win but our win. The greatest part I believe is when Obama speaks about the 106 year old woman in Atlanta who went to vote today . . . All I can say is pure genius! I mean, well just watch for yourself. This speech was the most moving thing I have ever seen!He even congratulates Mccain and Palin in his speech! I'm sorry, but wtf?!!! . . . This guy is no joke! And he definitely has my support. His ability to hold his stature so respectfully is amazing!
Now, I'm just like . . . Where do we go from here?