In life, I have discovered that there are 4 different kinds of human beings when related to building upon your network and the people you want to be around. These people are can all be identified by three letter acronyms starting with the letter "V"
Now what are the V's? . . .
- VIP's are the people you want to dedicate your special time and attention to and want to be around the most because they are the Go - Getters
- VTP's are those who are "Very Teachable Peaople". These are the people who will learn every piece of information you feed to them. These people you also want to be around, but not as much as VIP's due to the fact that VTP's may not neccesarily apply the knowledge they have acquired. However, thier knowledge can be used to your benefit if you consul with them before your actions.
- VNP's are "Very Nice People" and are people who you want to be around because they are fun and relieve you from your daily stress. However, though these people may be extremely nice and cool to be around, they might not neccesarily be useful in building your business and your future.
-Lastly, VDP's are "Very Draining People" who are people who you may not be able to avoid, but you would definitely like to. These people due serve a form of relevance in your life however by this . . . By dealing with these people you grow as a human being in the areas of patience, persisitance, and overall tolerance and humility.
Now although ALL people may at one time or another be all 4 types of the above, everyone has a "specialty" and your job is to identify it upon your first meeting and put it into use for yourself.
-All is Love