This guy just continues to not crumble under the pressure and speak so diligently. His stimulus package I feel is genius and the stupid senate wants to play political games instead of deciding upon what will be best for the average american citizen. Here's a quick quote from Obama about his self-reflection. "I ask myself; did I work as hard as I could, did I seek out the best possible advice, did I stay focused on the people who sent me to washington, and if something and I make a mistake am I open-minded enough to admit it and then move on and try something else that works." All I can say about that is thanks Obama I now have something to add to my daily prayers so that I can be the epitemy of what was said in that qoute. Anyway, I'm not going to say much about it because I believe if you read this link it tells the story pretty well.
You can also watch this video to see it for yourself.