But Check this out. . . When my mother sent me to the museum she gave me the wrong address. Luckily we were in the right area and when we asked somebody was able to give us complete directions to the place. Anyway, so we got there and it turns out that the power is out! I was tight because this was the last day we could be able to get there so she can do her project. So we waited to see if they could get the power on quickly so she can go to the second and third floors since that was were the bulk of the content would be at. Then we find that the problem couldn't be fixed by them and they had to wait for ConEd to get there. Luckily the lady who ran the head of the education department in the building was able to escort us upstairs so we can get what we needed done.

Check out the old NYPD logo.
But anyway, all in all it was a good day. Very educational and informative. I actually got a few artistic concepts from the day before I went to work. Although there is a great deal of crooked cops and cops who take advantage of their power, the overall concepts of everything that the police force does is amazing.
So with that said, I leave you with this last quote I saw posted at the museum . . . "A nation's best defence is an educated citizenship."
-All is Love