Sorry I haven't posted to you guys all weekend, but I haven't been able to get to a computer for an extended period of time. However, I would like to fill you in. So let's start with saturday. We had a T.Dub video shoot for "She's so hot!" The turnout was pretty good, and I'm entering the editing process as we speak. I also had a lot of family time this weekend and have done a lot of self-reflection. And although you guys know me to be a pretty spiritual person, I have to confess that for a while I took church out of the center of my life. I reached a point where I was so hungry to expose my art, and get recognized for my work that I lost focus of what is important and that really had me stressed. Although I was not blatantly being disrespectful to anyone, or even doing anything that would be directly harmful to anyone else . . . I was still harming myself. I never stopped praying my morning prayer which consists of me asking God to cleanse me of myself, and remove all of my human flaws so that he may fill me with all of his own perfect words, thoughts, aspirations, movements, and actions. I also never stopped giving thanks for the things I have. So although I never became a "bad" person, I wasn't at peace the way I feel now.
The change is for the past few weeks I have started to attend sunday mass again with my family(wife and kid). This sunday I think was the turn around though. The reason being is I actually was more actively involved with my church life this week like I hadn't been in a long time. After mass a sister from my local church named Sister Mary Eileen invited my family and I to stay around and watch this Christian inspired movie named, "Fireproof". The movie presents a couple in the midst of ending their marriage in a terrible divorce (Not sure if I have posed this earlier, but I believe divorce is always wrong as an act. The people are not evil, but have indeed done an incredible harm to themselves and those around the marriage). Anyway, the movie proceeds to show how "God" came into their lives and healed their love - Teaching them what love truly is.
Now, although I am Roman Catholic I do not want any human being to feel like we can't relate here. We are still connected. I believe some form of organized religion is essential for ultimate peace in life. The mere thought of an after-life gives your life more purpose, and can empower you into feeling better about your living circumstances. If you are muslim, buddist, or have any form of a religious classification I know that if you are true to your faith, whatever it may be - you feel more secure in your life.
And to the atheists out there. You guys are not alone as well! I would love to see your beliefs and speak upon what it is that makes you go on in life. I believe it would be an interesting conversation and we both can take in some things from it. All I know is that being fully commited and into my faith again has given me a great sense of peace. And no man should be deprived of that - No matter what will give them that satisfaction.
-All is Love