If that is your definition, then let me help you to observe that when you see married couples don't they seem like two opposite sides of the spectrum? Have you observed your own parents?
I know that in this day and age, a lot of people have parents that are not even together. Do you wonder why that is? Well, first it is our societies glorification of sex, and self centeredness. But it is also the fact that in order to find the person of your dreams you must first be really sure of yourself, and in a way that is mental, spiritual, and you must be at a point where you know what you want out of life in the most part. To add to that, you should be willing to give without asking when you find a partner. Now I'm not saying that you have to be a zombie who takes BS from anyone because you want companionship, but I am saying that in a healthy and lasting relationship you have two people who are at this level of thought already. They may not exactly BE where they want to be spiritually, financially, or anything but they know which direction they are headed and are determined to get there.
What I'm trying to say is that in actuality . . .
It's not about FINDING the right person.
It's about BECOMING the right person.
-All is Love
PS: If you are in a relationship that is going down the drain, take this into consideration, and share with your partner. Maybe it will help you pull things through a bit.